OWTK Gaming
on September 13, 2018 at 9:05 am ×
No game since Skylanders for our Nintendo Wii and later, the WiiU, has made a big an impression on my girls as Go Vacation for the Nintendo Switch. My 11-year-old, the Mouse, a tween gamer is especially smitten with this Switch game of never ending vacation. In the market for […]
OWTK Gaming
on March 1, 2018 at 2:20 pm ×
Yes, yes, of course we still have a 7 week wait but, but… it is March now. MARCH! And that means we can officially say that Nintendo Labo will arrive NEXT MONTH!! (April 20th to be specific) This fact is worthy of the double exclamation point because Labo is unlike […]
OWTK Gaming / OWTK Giveaways
on January 15, 2016 at 10:19 am ×
Does it get any better than this for young gamers? You’ve got Skylanders Superchargers figures and vehicles who happen to be the legendary (in a historical sense, not in Skylanders variant terms) Donkey Kong and Bowser, who also happen to be playable on Nintendo Amiibo! Holy wow that is remarkably […]
OWTK Gaming
on November 6, 2014 at 10:32 am ×
On our last flight home from wherever we were, we four straddled evenly the center aisle of row 16. Mouse was next to me, in the middle, anxiously waiting to see who would occupy the window seat. The Bear cuddled up next to mommy, an extended-arm’s length away from me […]
OWTK Gaming
on December 6, 2013 at 10:47 am ×
You ready for hundreds of words of nonstop praise for one exceptional game? Good, let’s hop right to it then and discuss Super Mario 3D World For Nintendo Wii U.
Holiday Gift Guide
on December 6, 2012 at 9:42 am ×
I’m a little short on the violent-ish ideas. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, I’m a goddamn peaceful man. Still, these select goodies are more good than evil, and each gets my nod of approval this holiday season. A VERY VIOLENT CHRISTMAS JT Splatmaster Paintball Gun I gave a […]
OWTK Gaming
on November 20, 2012 at 8:58 am ×
On the morning of launch day I waited outside the doors of my local GameStop to pick up my preordered Wii U Deluxe Set, overly excited to get my hands on Nintendo’s giant step into the next generation of gaming. It’s only been hours since I opened the box and […]
OWTK Gaming
on July 27, 2012 at 10:46 pm ×
New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS Preview by Cooper McHatton I played through Nintendo’s New Super Mario Bros. 2 demo twice while I was in the Nintendo Gaming Lounge at the Marriott (once on Friday and once on Sunday). It was incredibly fun, even though it felt really familiar. New […]