Post Tagged with: "Monsters University"

Introducing Catch, The Dad-centric E-Zine From Cooper & Kid

Introducing Catch, The Dad-centric E-Zine From Cooper & Kid

I’m very excited to introduce to you Catch, the brand new e-zine written by dads and for dads (and for the crazy loons who love us). Catch is the blog platform companion to Cooper & Kid, the clever new mail-order Dad/Child activity kit (think Loot Crate for families.) I will […]

The Grades Are In For Monsters University

The Grades Are In For Monsters University

Monsters Inc. predates my life as a parent by several years. I reckon the genesis of your relationship with Pixar’s 2001 animated gem isn’t radically different. It was the first family movie I remember loving. I was 25 years old. It should go without saying that it was damn near […]

Free Monsters University Chest at Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinics

Free Monsters University Chest at Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinics

Timed to perfection with the movie’s opening weekend (June 22-23), Lowe’s is holding free Build & Grow Clinics for kids to build a rad looking Monsters University Chest. In addition to building their Monsters U. wooden project, kids will also score a free pair of goggles, workshop apron and a […]

The First Morning At Monsters University

The First Morning At Monsters University

We’re less than a month away from the release of Monsters University! This hilarious, brand new and very Planes, Trains & Automobiles-esque clip showing Mike and Sully on their first morning on campus is sure to get you and your kids stoked for the June 21st release, if you weren’t […]

Monsters University Greek Week Sorority and Fraternity Posters

Monsters University Greek Week Sorority and Fraternity Posters

These! Are! Awesome! Check out all the framed Greek Week Sorority and Fraternity posters from Monster University (in theaters June 21, 2013). Which one is your favorite? *psst: have you visited the Monsters University .edu website yet? OMG. You’d really think it was a real school with a storied history, […]

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