Post Tagged with: "magic tree house"

First and a Half Grader
Parenting Blog

First and a Half Grader

The Bear is officially finished with 1st grade.  But she insists that she isn’t a 2nd grader.  Not until classes begin again on August 15th (yeah, less than 2 months for summer break). I have dubbed her a First and a Half Grader.  She’s happy with that. Feel free to […]

Sorry Bill Harley, But It Was A Great 5 Years
OWTK Kindie Music News

Sorry Bill Harley, But It Was A Great 5 Years

It took half a decade. Bill Harley’s sleepytime story masterpiece Town Around the Bend has been the Bear’s ‘lullaby’ album of choice since toddlehood. Every single night of her life, she’d fall asleep hearing about Bucket of Beans & Clarise, Picklopolis and laughs leaking out through your belly button (yeah, […]

The Bear vs. Magic Tree House
OWTK KidLit + Comics / Parenting Blog

The Bear vs. Magic Tree House

It’s on. The Bear is tearing through the beloved Mary Pope Osborne Magic Tree House books like there is no tomorrow.  She started with #9 about 10 days ago, reading that Dolphin-themed volume in less than an hour (the final 15 minutes of which was spent standing in the backyard, […]

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