Post Tagged with: "love"

It’s The Small Moments That Matter on Valentine’s Day
Parenting Blog

It’s The Small Moments That Matter on Valentine’s Day

This story is sponsored by Fracture. Yes, we were in Ireland and Norway and Italy and have retraced our dating steps on South Street in Philadelphia, but it’s the granular details, the moments in miniature from those days spent helplessly falling in love and later, traveling the world together, that […]



Third floor mattress on the deck AOL dial tone beside the desk Flecks of life beneath bare feet Doughnut boxes and newsprint fingers Lyrics on the cracked white wall Flailing heart on a sleeve A gross misunderstanding of nostalgia Listening to her having sex downstairs With Aaron or Lance or […]

All The Tiny Broken Pieces

All The Tiny Broken Pieces

When a glass slips out of our hand as we pivot from counter top to table top, many feet above the heartless tile floor that’s having none of our split seconds prayers for relief, and shatters with the force of a thousand armies attacking in unison during a single solitary […]

A Letter In The Night And A Marriage Improved
Parenting Blog

A Letter In The Night And A Marriage Improved

I guess it makes sense, but that doesn’t make it any less painful. I’m a writer now. That’s where life has taken me in the last half decade, and so it would figure that I’d need it all spelled out for me inside the college-ruled lines of a 12 page […]

The How I Met Your Mother Story
Parenting Blog

The How I Met Your Mother Story

When people get old, dear children, they may begin to accidentally omit key pieces of relevant data from their cherished anecdotes or they might embellish the fragments still somehow lodged into the crumbling passageways of their feeble minds. Or both, such as in this short story of the early days […]

Valentine’s Day Viral Video — Post-It Note Love Letters
Parenting Blog

Valentine’s Day Viral Video — Post-It Note Love Letters

Maybe I’m struggling with my lapsed romantic side. Maybe I’m just a sucker for a sweet and simple public expression of one’s love. Either way, Jesse Hale’s Post-It Note Love Letter video to his wife Holly, part of the Give It 100 challenge, puts a smile on my face, well […]

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