Post Tagged with: "liverpool"

Nine Best English Football Ground Names

Nine Best English Football Ground Names

More and more sporting grounds, from baseball ballparks in San Diego to football stadiums in Philadelphia, are being branded with corporate names in exchange for suitcases full of money. While this is happening all over England too, there are still many football grounds with not only non-corporate names but really […]

Fathers and Sons on the Blue Side of Liverpool

Fathers and Sons on the Blue Side of Liverpool

More so at the neighborhood shed in the portion of Liverpool painted blue than at the stadium on the baby blue side of Manchester 45 minutes away, big time football is an intimate family affair. Like a hankering for meat pies and a distaste for the cherry red side of […]

6 Reasons Why I Love English Football And Why You Should Too

6 Reasons Why I Love English Football And Why You Should Too

I saw a few minutes of the Super Bowl yesterday because I popped into a pal’s apartment in NYC after kickoff to say hello and it was also on when I picked up my girls from my parent’s house 90 minutes later. My mom called me today and she asked, […]

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