Post Tagged with: "family dinner"

Date Night at the Steakhouse Inside Our House
Parenting Blog

Date Night at the Steakhouse Inside Our House

It was an otherwise standard issue weeknight. The girls had unpacked their lunchboxes without reminder and plopped their water bottles into the fridge (with a gentle nudge — always needing a gentle nudge), then slid out their homework sheets and slid into their high-top stools at the kitchen island. I […]

Summer Grilling With The Family

Summer Grilling With The Family

The scene nearly paints itself. The once-cold steel of a grill that now blisters with energy, the billowing smoke from the hot hot heat, the shimmering water undulating in the distance, the squeals of delight emanating from children who scamper in every direction, the rippling stars & stripes staked along […]

Summer Road Trip Prep with Ristorante Pizza
Parenting Blog

Summer Road Trip Prep with Ristorante Pizza

There are approximately a zillion and a half things to be done before I successfully get my wife and two daughters out the door to start our summer vacation: Did I remember sunscreen? The tangle of charging cables for all the different devices? Bathing suits? Pillows? Our National Parks pass? […]

#ShareTheTable With Barilla

#ShareTheTable With Barilla

*Barilla is compensating me for this post. All opinions expressed below are honest and unbiased, as always. Read on. Even when the Mrs. and I both worked full-time jobs out of the home, and the girls would both spend 10 hours each and every day in a day care-cum-early learning […]

Making Together Time Count
Health & Wellness

Making Together Time Count

Peanut Butter & Jelly. That’s the sandwich index of my family’s balanced meal portfolio. There’s an obvious PIE chart joke to be made right here, I see it / I get it, but I’ll pass…I’m more of a cake guy anyway. 😉 If I serve too many of those easy […]

OWTK Recipe Box: Quick and Easy Caprese Quiche
Parenting Blog / RECIPE BOX

OWTK Recipe Box: Quick and Easy Caprese Quiche

I was with the girls in Whole Foods without much of a menu plan for the week. This is, generally speaking, an awful idea. But free samples awaited us around every turn and so the kids were wearing their Kool-Aid grins tasting fancy cheeses, fruits they already love, and chips […]

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