Post Tagged with: "earth day"

Get Outdoors On Earth Day and Arbor Day

Get Outdoors On Earth Day and Arbor Day

Over on PBS Parents today, I’ve got a very leafy learning activity perfect for Earth Day, Arbor Day or any day this spring and summer. Take a look at how you and your kids can (and should) make a Book of Trees! I’m not the only one with the great […]

OWTK Games + Apps / OWTK KidLit + Comics / OWTK Kindie Music News

Can Kid’s Music, Books and iPhone Apps Save Our Planet?

I dunno, but if the little ones who listen to music, read books and play apps on our iPhones grow up to save our planet, then yeah, I guess all that stuff can actually help the Earth.  It not perfectly linear, I’ll admit, but by-golly I can draw the connection […]

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