Parenting Blog
on January 25, 2018 at 11:59 am ×
Two lanes become five at this particular intersection. The two on the left are left-only lanes. The furthest to the right, a no-turn-on-red right-only. The final pair of lanes, as I reckon you’d have already guessed, are supposed to go straight. Straight and only straight, up an hardly perceivable grade […]
Big Guy Car Guy / Travel
on September 7, 2017 at 9:50 am ×
There were supposed to be more hours to kill in paradise on that Thursday morning. I’d gone Into The Mystic the evening prior, staying up later than advisable if not for the anticipation of a morning spent peacefully under a puffed white duvet until the haze of morning had faded […]
Big Guy Car Guy
on August 7, 2017 at 2:53 pm ×
We passed through the toll booth together, neck and neck, me in lustrous jolly red, you in a dashing silver that glittered in the midday summer sun. We were a sexy pair. Lazily acquiescing to your forward momentum, I fell in line as we approached the bend in the on-ramp […]
Parenting Blog
on June 25, 2015 at 6:30 am ×
This post is about cars but it’s also about photos; those we have, those we don’t, and those we’ll see in our mind’s eye until the end of days. A photogenic memory isn’t something I could legitimately claim to have. I’d be found out the minute someone asked me to […]
Big Guy Car Guy
on November 10, 2014 at 2:26 pm ×
It’s all connected. All of it. I’ve never had a drink, I’ve never done a single drug, and I try like hell to never look at my phone while at the helm of the family car. My burning desire to be keenly aware for and of every waking moment started […]
OWTK's Helpful Ideas
on May 13, 2011 at 10:29 am ×
OWTK hits the road for Helpful Idea Number 6: USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS In case it’s been a while since you miraculously passed your driver’s test, let me clue you in on this handy function standard on all vehicles: turn signals help to let others know of your plans while […]