Post Tagged with: "Chronicle Books"

Star Wars Epic Yarns Board Book Trilogy Giveaway
OWTK Giveaways

Star Wars Epic Yarns Board Book Trilogy Giveaway

Celebrate May the Fourth and Revenge of the Fifth this week by winning the full trilogy of Star Wars Epic Yarns board books from Chronicle Kids! This new board book series tells the story of each of the first three Star Wars movies in just 12 words and 12 iconic […]

Goodnight Darth Vader Book & Pin Set Giveaway
OWTK Giveaways / OWTK KidLit + Comics

Goodnight Darth Vader Book & Pin Set Giveaway

I’m fully prepared to kiss goodbye to a fair portion of the tiny bit of street cred I have when I tell you that I have no idea who more than half of the characters are inside this sweet new bedtime Star Wars book from Jeffrey Brown and Chronicle Books. […]

Introducing the OWTK Radio Hour…in 30 Minutes!
OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast

Introducing the OWTK Radio Hour…in 30 Minutes!

I’d been doing the monthly kid’s music podcast for over a year now and, frankly, I have no idea who listens and how often. I opted out of the stats + info podcast hosting package. Instead of or in addition to (I haven’t decided yet) the monthly 10-song podcast, I […]

Giveaway — Children’s Board Book Bundle from Chronicle Books
OWTK Giveaways

Giveaway — Children’s Board Book Bundle from Chronicle Books

OWTK’s most recent giveaways (all of which are still up and running by the way — enter now!) have been geared towards grown-ups and/or teens. Not today. This giveaway for a trio of gorgeous new board books, all from the impeccable Chronicle Books publishing house in San Francisco, is for […]

OWTK KidLit + Comics

The Queen of Random is Still Curious

My youngest daughter is nicknamed The Mouse, but she is also the Queen of Random. Spouting bizarre bits of nonsense is her trademarked move. She is a positively absurd little girl. Last week, the Queen said to me: “I am still curious about a lot of things.” She couldn’t name […]

2012 Holiday Gift Guide: A Very Personalized Christmas
Holiday Gift Guide

2012 Holiday Gift Guide: A Very Personalized Christmas

A VERY PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS ; I See Me Personalized Books & Gifts Personalized books, CDs and the like can be a dicey proposition. Mouse got an Elmo CD once with her name squeezed into each and every verse (although it seemed like every other word) and it was painful to […]

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