Post Tagged with: "Carnival"

The Best Newest Cruise Ship For Families

The Best Newest Cruise Ship For Families

My family spent 10 days in Europe on the sparkling new Carnival Vista last month and came away super impressed with the food, activities, entertainment, cabins and, well, pretty much everything else. In short, we believe the Carnival Vista is the best newest cruise ship for families. Read all about […]

Desalination On The Mediterranean Sea

Desalination On The Mediterranean Sea

My kids tend to miss a lot of school but I like to think that they won’t get into trouble for all the absences because I’m not just pulling them out of class all willy-nilly. Last month, we spent 10 days on board the brand new Carnival Vista cruise ship […]

Cruise Port Review: Kusadasi Turkey

Cruise Port Review: Kusadasi Turkey

The Carnival Vista wasn’t supposed to call on Kuşadasi (pronounced ‘Kushadasi’) during its 2nd ever voyage in mid-May 2016 but after a state department advisory regarding Izmir, the Vista’s original Turkish port of call, our visit to Turkey was canceled and quickly replaced by a sea day, before we were […]

Celebrate National Hamburger Day With Guy’s Burger Joint and Carnival Cruise Line

Celebrate National Hamburger Day With Guy’s Burger Joint and Carnival Cruise Line

When you are a carnivore and you cruise with Carnival, you end up eating many a cheeseburger from Guy’s Burger Joint. It’s just the way it goes. In fact, over 100,000 burgers are devoured from Guy’s each week on Carnival ships. That’s roughly 5000 burgers per Carnival ship. Delicious math […]

Cuban Themed Luxury Travel In The Carnival Vista Havana Suites

Cuban Themed Luxury Travel In The Carnival Vista Havana Suites

The Vista, Carnival’s newest vessel, which is on the European seas right now for only its 2nd ever sailing, has upped the ante on luxurious accommodations for this historically affordable cruise line. While still a decidedly populus brand, Carnival continues to explore the upper crust side of its evolving personality […]

5 Things To Do in Barcelona with Kids

5 Things To Do in Barcelona with Kids

Our Carnival Vista cruise departs from the Catalan capital so we’ve decided to fly into Barcelona with kids a day early to sneak in a few sights, smells and good eats in my favorite place on Earth. We spent five nights in Barcelona four years ago but this time, with […]

An Exclusive Look Inside A Carnival Cruise Ship Kitchen

An Exclusive Look Inside A Carnival Cruise Ship Kitchen

It’s lunchtime on day six of our maiden 8-day voyage aboard the Carnival Sunshine and I’m going in for a salad from the Lido Marketplace because to this point, I’ve been a drum in the meat parade that’s been beaten pretty soundly by Guy Fieri. Back on land, 6-day-old lettuce […]

Set Sail with Your Kids on the Carnival Sunshine

Set Sail with Your Kids on the Carnival Sunshine

Back in November we hit the high seas for our first ever cruise. It was on board the Carnival Sunshine and it was a pretty spectacular family travel experience. I wrote a blog post about our Sunshine filled first cruise shortly after we found our way back to dry land […]

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