Parenting Blog
on May 15, 2018 at 4:23 pm ×
Well, not exactly but over on WHYY I ponder the fate of local small businesses and envision a future in which specialty retailers foster and support the crafts, inventions, jewelry, and misc products made by members of the community. And in turn, those local entrepreneurs, like my daughters with their […]
Parenting Blog
on June 2, 2017 at 9:30 am ×
One of the coolest aspects of growing this here site and expanding the writing opportunities I’ve found outside of OWTK has been my ability to pay my two daughters for their creativity, time and effort. My girls contributed to most all of my old PBS Parents learning activity posts and […]
Parenting Blog
on June 17, 2014 at 7:18 am ×
In a groundbreaking new partnership with Arizona State University, Starbucks will soon begin to offer every single employee working at least 20 hours a week a free online college education. The Starbucks free college education benefit is available the moment an employee is hired and is designed to help their […]