OWTK Kindie Music News
on May 19, 2017 at 8:30 pm ×
For a long while now I’ve been fond of saying, when speaking lovingly about the golden age of family music, that the reason the current generation of all-ages, kindie, family, children’s music is so flipping fantastic is that the songs being written, recorded and released are not all freshly baked […]
OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast
on February 4, 2017 at 1:50 pm ×
Holy smokes what a handful of Grammy nominees in the Children’s category we have this year! The 2017 Grammy Awards will be graced with the likes of Frances England and Recess Monkey (each for the first time), returning nominees Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could and Secret Agent […]
Parenting Blog
on September 1, 2016 at 4:15 pm ×
This MEGA HUGE MASSIVE ENORMOUS GIGANTIC EXTRA-LARGE 15 song episode of the OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly Podcast has been so graciously sponsored by Clorox and my friends at Macmillan Publishers who earlier this summer released the wonderful picture book MIXED UP TRUCK. Here’s what you’ll hear on this jam-packed September […]
OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast
on July 1, 2016 at 10:50 am ×
A special 11 song podcast (I’ll explain why at the end of the episode) to celebrate July 2016. Here’s what you heard / will hear. Dean Jones “Swiss Cheese Angels” from In My Dreams Caspar Babypants “Annabelle Pancake” from Away We Go! Danny Weinkauf and the Red Pants Band “Look […]
Parenting Blog
on December 2, 2014 at 2:38 pm ×
Huge thanks to Annenberg Center for sponsoring this month’s podcast. The performing arts theater located in University City Philly has the silent madcap adventures of MUMMENSCHANZ on stage from 12/11-12/14. Find out more and buy tickets here. Brrrr. It is December. It is cold. And I am sick. Surprisingly, this […]
OWTK Kindie Album Reviews
on July 2, 2014 at 1:10 pm ×
After a very long absence from the kid’s music review scene, I have delivered 5 mini write-ups of five albums perfectly suited to soundtrack your family’s summer. This is just part one though! I have five more lined up for later this month. That’s what happens when you spend the […]
OWTK Kindie Music News
on June 30, 2014 at 10:01 am ×
The first ever Kindiecomm family music conference wrapped this past weekend and overflowed with beautiful moments, big and small, quiet and loud. The nature of conferences is such that every attendee has a different experience, engages in different conversation, and takes away different bits of inspiration and points to ponder […]
OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast
on June 1, 2014 at 7:48 am ×
I’m physically exhausted. Some people run marathons. Some do Crossfit. Some Wii Fit. Others, Fitbit. Me, I assemble, by hand, a monthly podcast for you and your kids, and this month I have doubled my efforts to bring you over an hour of free kid’s music perfect for summer vacations […]