Storied Don’t End

Storied Don't End

Stories Don’t End – Christmas Cookies

This was a year ago now. You were on the sofa, in the corner with a pillow tucked against your thigh, and your head was upright – a once simple act that was no longer commonplace. I’d snuck out to the garage, as I do, to raid the freezer, to […]

Stories Don’t End – Christmas Tree Lights
Storied Don't End

Stories Don’t End – Christmas Tree Lights

I put lights on my slender fake plastic tree last night. This was Greg’s job, stringing the lights, and not only was he good at it, he actually enjoyed the process. Whereas I did, do, and always will huff and pout when a third of the strands of 100 white […]

Stories Don’t End — T-Shirts
Storied Don't End

Stories Don’t End — T-Shirts

It took almost 40 years of my life before I ever knew that this annoyed you. It’s funny to think about the things we don’t know about the people closest to us, those with whom we share blood and for a time, a roof. You, me and Mike were at […]

Stories Don’t End — Music and Traveling
Storied Don't End

Stories Don’t End — Music and Traveling

In your obituary, it said that we would talk about music and traveling, and while there were other topics too (like you constantly and quite hilariously backing your way into the fantasy football playoffs with a 6-7 record), we did indeed share in a deep love of music and a […]

Eulogy for Greg in an Amsterdam Airport Hotel Lobby
Parenting Blog / Storied Don't End

Eulogy for Greg in an Amsterdam Airport Hotel Lobby

Ideally, I wouldn’t have given my speech, his eulogy, from an Amsterdam Airport hotel lobby, its library to be specific, which was just enough out of earshot of the check-in desk’s music bed that the 200+ guests gathered in the backyard could hear my words, tears, snot, and sadness through […]

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