Parenting Blog

Surf Swiftly Into The Future with Verizon 5G Home

Thank you to Verizon Wireless for sponsoring this post

Maybe it is dependent on the way the wind is blowing through the oak tree leaves at that exact moment or if there are too many red-breasted robins chirping in the backyard, each clamoring for someone to refill the three bird feeders, but sometimes when I’m in my bedroom supposed to be trying to fall asleep before an early morning of travel but actually am downloading a couple of movies to watch on the plane, those downloads crawl along to the point where I don’t even know what is the point. I shrug haplessly while lying down and drift off to sleep, dreaming of the future that hasn’t quite reached this part of my modest ranch home.

My home internet service is beyond the point of being maddening, it just is the way it doesn’t work. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that pockets of my 1,500 square foot house are stuck in the early-aughts. Another one of those pockets is just on the other side of the wall from the router, where I’m occasionally forced to watch the live soccer I love on a pixelated pitch while I work thanks to a weak, buffering connection. Maybe I should hang up some Shins and Sleater-Kinney posters, gain back those 80 pounds, and really lean all the way into it being 2002 all over again.

Yeah, no.

I think instead, I’ll keep on listening to new albums from Camp Cope, Durand Jones & the Indications, and Vampire Weekend, maintain a streamlined 245 lb frame thank you very much, and try a new, faster, more advanced network on for size at home.

Enter, Verizon 5G Home service on their new 5G Ultra Wideband network which is now available in select cities. I can (and you can too) try it out for free for three whole months without canceling my (or your) current service. How rad is that? I/we can dip a toe into the cool 5G waters at home before jumping all the way in. And our 3-month trails comes complete with YouTube TV. Radder still. Let’s do it, shall we?

Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is the best 5G and 20 new cities are set to receive it. See if your home is 5G-ready and enjoy your first 3 months of Verizon 5G Home service (with no annual contract, hidden taxes or fees).

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