Raspberries are good for ya.
Of this much, we can be certain.
Dark chocolate though? That’s a slightly more contentious situation.
The relative healthiness of dark chocolate depends on the cycle of the moon, the cost of bananas in Costa Rica and the ferocity of the wind through my salt and pepper hair. Okay, fine, it’s got zilch to do with any of that but it sometimes seems like the merits of eating a wee bit of dark chocolate every now and again are positive one week, negative the next. Life’s too short for any of that waffling. (Yum, waffles!)
Let’s just all agree that dark chocolate in moderation is both good and good for us.
Toffee bits, now? I dunno. They’re straight up delish and so itty bitty — so how bad could they possibly be?! I’m rolling into summer with a teensy bit of toffee, in a mid morning protein shake recipe that’s full of good and good for me treats blended into an already tasty vanilla Premier Protein shake.
My morning routine of vitamins and a healthy breakfast — HELLO, avocado! — is pretty airtight but I’ve begun to crack a window in the kitchen to satisfy my thirst for something just a bit more substantial to get me through those 5 mile A.M. hikes and 3 miles morning runs.
As a general rule, I’m up and at ‘em at the crack of dawn, or better said in my house, at the meow of morning. With the perpetually hungry fuzzball cat we call Trixie as my alarm clock, my days often start before 6am and so I’m usually in need of a tasty boost by 9am or so, after I’m back from the gym or the hiking trail. While I’ve already talked about my standard breakfast routine, I’m adding a delicious, creamy element with Premier Protein.
Here’s my recipe for a Simple and Sweet Summertime Protein Shake:
1 Premier Protein Vanilla Shake
8 raspberries
4 ounces of good dark chocolate, melted
Combine the three ingredients into your blender or bullet, or whatever the kids these days are calling the kitchen appliance that mashes stuff together, until smooth and integrated completely.
Drink, enjoy and go go go all day — and summer — long!
Of course, you don’t have to use the Vanilla Premier Protein Shake. If you want to go choco-crazy and still score those 30 grams of protein with only a single gram of sugar, pour in the Premier Protein Chocolate Shake or yum! the Cookies & Cream Shake, or you could get all fancy by using the Caramel variety in this Sweet Summertime Protein Shake Recipe.
*OWTK was compensated by Premier Protein for this post. All opinions express above are honest and unbiased, as always.