Parenting Blog

Life’s Hectic, Man

It sounds stupid to say it, and it might not be overtly obviously to look at me, but I’ve been known to sometimes forget to eat lunch.

Life’s hectic, man.

On weekdays, when the kids are busy shuffling from classroom to classroom learning about western civilization, the habitats of dart frogs, and receiving pages upon pages of algebraic equations I will be of no use to them with as they do their homework later, I am hustling to tic all kinds of boxes before I join the parent pick-up queue in the afternoon.

There’s the laundry I simply refuse to let build up beyond a single load’s worth — tic.
The pantry, fridge and freezer to keep stocked with thrice weekly grocery store runs — tic.
Actual running in the park when the weather cooperates — tic.
Or at the gym on frigid winter mornings — tic.

Stops at the post office to ship away another order of earrings made by my daughters’ and sold through Etsy shop, vet appointments for the three cats, and trips to the library for the many books my wife had placed on hold — tic, tic, and tic.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot…there’s also all of the writing, editing, ideating, reading, and photo editing that constitutes my actual job!!


Life's Hectic Lunch Campbell's Chunky MAXX Soup

Somewhere, in the middle of all of that, there’s supposed to be lunch.

Something fast and something filling would be nice, so I’m not rummaging through the pantry for more grub an hour later.

These days, early in the chilly new year, I’m rewarding my hustle with protein-rich fuel in the form of tasty and warm Campbell’s Chunky MAXX soups that I pop into the microwave on my way to my office with a freshly signed contract to scan and retrieve on my way back through the kitchen with a fresh pile of sweet smelling laundry to fold.

In between, and with no effort at all, I heat and devour a tasty Chunky MAXX soup lunch, usually either the rich Chicken and Sausage Gumbo flavor that had me even more eager to spend quality time with my fellow dad writers, photographers and influencers in gumbo-land, New Orleans Louisiana, at the Dad 2.0 Summit, a Smoked Turkey and Bacon Corn Chowder, or the upscale Bison Bacon Burger variety.

Life's Hectic Lunch Campbell's Chunky MAXX Soup

Because, Mmmmmmm bacon in soup is never a bad idea and burgers without buns have been my jam since ditching bread to focus more on unencumbered protein intake late in 2016 to incredible life-altering results.

Speaking of protein, Campbell’s Chunky MAXX soups are loaded with 40% more meat than a Chunky can of soup, and are still every bit as quick and easy for busy dudes to heat, eat, and be filled and fueled by in the midst of their hectic life. And that’s exactly what this dad needs most during the week.

*OWTK received tasty soup and financial compensation for this story. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always. My wife does indeed put a lot of books on hold at the library that I need to pick up and I’ve had a bad habit of working through lunch and then rummaging through the pantry for snacks all afternoon.

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