The Mighty Pen / Travel

The Mighty Pen: Carnival Cruise Ships

There were several sweet pens in my starting rotation that had me excited to push publish on the idea of The Mighty Pen last week. The Westin pen from Memphis was one of those, and it was with that pen that I scribbled down this crazy new endeavor.

Another is the seemingly simple pen found in thousands upon thousands of guest cabins on board the 25 Carnival Cruise Line ships currently out on the waters of the world. 

Let’s take a look at this free pen from Carnival Cruise ships.

The Carnival ‘Fun For All, All For Fun’ pen stands up straight in my office, shoulder to shoulder, as if in a packed elevator, with a black fine point Sharpie, yellow and blue highlighters, a few sharpened #2 pencils, and my favorite scissors (assuming the kids didn’t borrow and not return ’em…again), in an old plastic kid’s drinking cup from some forgettable chain restaurant (I should really upgrade this portion of my office set-up) that holds my go-to paperwork necessities. 

This is a pen I have used regularly since sliding it into the side pocket of my camera bag before disembarking the Carnival Vista in Athens Greece this past May. 

No one would consider Carnival’s freebie pen a glamorous writing instrument but it has worked exceedingly well every single time I’ve called upon its services over the past 5 months and its kinda funky triangular shape is more comfortable to grip (even tightly on the windy top deck of an in motion Carnival ship) and to hold than you’d likely guess — this pen always feels right.

At their best, a free pen from a hotel, or in this case, a cruise ship, will reflect astutely, and be a rose-tinted reminder of, the finest qualities of the place from which you obtained it. A good pen you take home with you, then, is a subtle, productive hook to get you to pay that same place a return visit.

In this way, the free Carnival Cruise Line pen checks every box. It is a reliable, everyday pen that is emblematic of the outward, populist image that Carnival trades in; that of a casual, fun-loving, colorful, reliable and affordable-for-all vacation ‘destination’ at sea.

With distinctive branded lettering and their famous red, white & blue color palette, a solid if not overly tight clicker, and classic deep-ocean blue ink, the free Carnival Cruise ship pen is one you’ll want to keep returning to — whether at sea journaling about your excursions or that intimate Sam Hunt Carnival Live concert, writing out a handful of ‘Wish You Were Here’ postcards from exotic Caribbean ports, or simply back home paying bills at your kitchen table — just as you long to climb back on board one of the floating 100,000 ton getaways on which these pens are found. 

The Mighty Pen Score for Carnival Cruise Ship’s pen:

8.25 out of 10

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