Parenting Blog

Meet Rainbow Warrior — An Invented and Homemade Halloween Costume Superhero

Homemade Halloween Costume Rainbow Warrior Full Costume

The Mouse, age 7, invented a superhero named Rainbow Warrior late last month. Her mind is a wheel that never stops spinning, even when it veers off into a ditch. Round and round and round it goes.

She and I created her hero’s logo in Adobe Illustrator and then she quickly went to work writing a brief but enchanting back story and sketching RW’s ensemble as she imagined it from — poof — thin air. For the past week, the Mrs., the lovely & amazing Mrs., worked her ass off for 3-4 hours each night after getting home from her day job to make this dream costume a very real reality.

This is a bit of a tradition, for the Mrs. to make from scratch Halloween costumes for the girls but this year’s invention of Rainbow Warrior takes the multi-colored cake as the most detailed and labor intensive project to date. But, when your daughter invents a superhero and writes her tale and sketches her ‘look’, what choice does a loving parent have but to make a Rainbow Warrior come to life? Exactly.

I haven’t even mentioned what the Mrs. has made for the Bear this year for Halloween. Not an original concept, a la the Mouse, but stunningly gorgeous nonetheless.

I’ll amend this post later with all-dressed up Halloween night photos, and maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll be treated to the full story of Rainbow Warrior…someday.

Homemade Halloween Costume Rainbow Warrior Full CostumeRainbow Warrior Halloween CostumeRainbow Warrior Halloween Costume

Homemade Halloween Costume Rainbow Warrior Logo on Cape Homemade Halloween Costume Rainbow Warrior Logo on Cape Trim Homemade Halloween Costume Rainbow Warrior Logo on Cape and Belt

And I stand here today, on the afternoon of October 31st, Halloween day, in awe as I look at the finished product. So damn impressed. ‪#‎Halloween‬

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