I’ll concede that the conditions have to be just right.
- It’d probably help if you’re a parent.
- If you’ve got a daughter, that’s likely a plus.
- And having a sense of humor someone might describe as at least ‘slightly askew’ will serve you very well here.
If you self-identify with any of the above, then you might just find Lorne Jaffe’s 7 Unintentionally Dirty Things I’ve Said to My Kid the funniest damn thing on the internet right now. I’m talking, spit out your drink across the room funny and fire off a ‘you’ve gotta read this’ text, email or Facebook message to your most awesomest bestie, brand of funny.
My prediction is that this post will be Lorne’s entry point onto the digital pages of HuffPost Parents and that this post, once published there, will dominate the internet for 36 hours. So, get in on the ground floor today and be able to say, “yeah, I read that one before it was cool.”
Okay, enough of me trying to prod you to visit Lorne’s Raising Seinna blog and read it…just go now and laugh out loud at the 7 Unintentionally Dirty Things I’ve Said to My Kid. This is your required reading for today, Wednesday May 14 2014. Enjoy.