*The post is sponsored by Zazzle.com. The opinions expressed below are my own.
The suburbs. Amiright? The ‘burbs in the 21st century can be all kinds of dreadful; strings of intersections and traffic lights and craptastic chain restaurants and cookie cutter big box stores and brand name pharmacies on every corner where there isn’t already a monolith bank, probably one that has purchased the naming rights to your closest city’s stadiums. It’s all the same, one town bleeds into the next, rinse and repeat. So where to go to find the best and most unique gifts for mother’s day? Yeah, you could walk into the massive red and white store and buy the EXACT same bracelet/handbag/scarf/pajama set/travel coffee mug/thingie that everyone else will be buying, but where’s the spirit in that? Exactly. You are better than that. Your mom is better than that. Your wife is better than that. You need to check out Zazzle right now to find unique, beautiful and clever Mother’s Day gifts.
Mother’s Day is May 11th!
Head over to Zazzle now and you’ll discover an array of Mother’s Day products designed by some of the world’s most creative people. People like me and you. Literally. I have a Zazzle store with my own Mother’s Day-ish designs on t-shirts, mugs, necklaces and more. I am one of many clever and creative types who really get what it means to be passionate about font selection as well as passionate about the beautiful woman who raised you and/or is helping you raise your darling children. Zazzle is stocked with gorgeous necklaces for new moms, witty mugs for expecting moms, stylish aprons for stylish military moms, and more t-shirts than you could possibly imagine, like this tee perfect for a sports fan mom.
Each Mother’s Day gift from Zazzle makes a statement about your ability to find a present for your mom or wife that is as unique as she is, that you and she stand out from the crowd, and that you like to shop in your pajamas, in bed, on a rainy spring weekend morning when the rest of the world is waiting at a red light on their way to yet another boring chain retailer.
Use Zazzle coupon code EARTHDAYDEAL today or tomorrow to save 22% on your purchase and stay tuned to Zazzle.com for more deals as Mother’s Day approaches.
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