Wanna hear me? Of course you do, because…reading? Who reads anymore?
I had the great fortune of appearing as a guest on a pair of terrific podcasts recently and both episodes are live and ready to massage your ears with my supple tones. That shouldn’t sound obscene but it does. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.
The Bobblehead Dad Parenting Podcast
Jim Higley and I talk dads & daughters, Purity Balls, #BanBossy, My Little Pony backpacks and more. Recording this show was like a teacher and student session for me. I love and respect Higley, a ton, and so it was a real treat to spend 37 minutes chatting with him about the glories of parenting girls in the 21st century.
The Life of Dad After Show
Art Eddy, Ryan Hamilton, and I talk kindie music, the NCAA tournament, frozen food, and about my oldest daughter’s supreme greatness. The Life of Dad guys have been so kind to me over the past 13 months and so being on this show was icing on their delicious love cake. Eww, again. What is wrong with me today?