OWTK Giveaways / Parenting Blog

Seeing A Better Way To Buy Glasses With Lookmatic + A HUGE GIVEAWAY!

Tracking PixelThis is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Lookmatic.

There’s a HUGE giveaway in this post. HUGE! That’s at the bottom. But first, a short story…

Okay, one thing you need to know about me is this: I dislike customer service people. Well, that’s not entirely fair. I dislike speaking with customer service people, be that over the phone, in person, web chats, Western Union telegrams. Stop., Pony Express, whatevs. Dislike probably isn’t a strong enough word.

Since I began wearing glasses 8-10 years ago, I realized that eye glass salespeople (not the opticians, I have no beef with those fine medical folk) are in the elite class of service reps I REALLY don’t ever want to speak with. Ever. They sit alongside rental car company desk clerks (thank heavens for Hertz #1 Club Gold which takes them out of my life) in my customer service Mount Rushmore of hell.

I have needed a new pair of glasses for about a year now. My old ones are way too loose, causing them to slide down my nose which annoys me to no end. Such is one of many outcomes of having children. We wrestle, we roll, they grab, my glasses bend, I shriek. But I couldn’t brave the sales pitches for ultra magnetic scratch resistance apple pie scented titanium core NASA approved reflective technology eyewear. Or whatever. Not. Ever. Again. I was prepared to use a combination of duct tape, Rainbow Loom rubber bands, and glue sticks to make my current glasses last as long as possible, just to avoid stepping inside an eyeglass store one more time. Also, I used to watch MacGyver.

Enter, . Problem solved.

Lookmatic glasses and boxes

Unboxing my Lookmatic glasses.

Many people love the internet for many different reasons…and not all of them adult entertainment oriented. I love the internet for two main reasons: 1) It has enabled me to follow an always-interesting entrepreneurial path as writer and graphic designer, and 2) It has enabled me to speak with less people who will ultimately disappoint and frustrate me. And I love that the internet has brought Lookmatic to the world, but more importantly, to me.

is flexible for parents who don’t have the time, or like me, the desire to drag themselves and their kids into an eyeglass store. This is because of the Home Try On program, where you can choose five pairs of trendy glasses to try on. At home. For real. Once you find your favorite stylish pair, you simply customize your frames, lenses and prescription to place your order online! I mean, srlsy? How genius is that? Oh, and the price, just $95! I know! Incredible.

If you wanna leave to place an order right now, I won’t take it personally. . But first peep that wicked awesome giveaway down below. Wow.

Lookmatic glasses and FC Barcelona on the iPad

What better to watch FC Barcelona with, my dear.

is a new website that makes eyeglass shopping so painfree and hassleless that using it will improve your life by a minimum of 17% (margin of error: +/- 17%). Here’s the deal, you hit up the clean, easily-navigatable site, you decide if you’re a man or a woman, and you virtually try on dozens of stylish frames courtesy of brilliant minds and your computer’s camera. Simple, lovely, yeah. Or have those 5 frames sent to you at home. Your call. Mess around now with tint colors, sunglasses (prescription ones too!) and other options without a lick of salesperson pressure and decide if you want prescription lens or not. I wanted them, of course (see paragraph #3 above), but didn’t have my last eye exam results. I mean, who has their eye exam results lying around? This was, and is, no problem at all for Lookmatic. Alright, we’ve finally arrived at the best part of this entire story: I didn’t have to make ANY phone calls! NOT ONE!!

I provided Lookmatic with my optician’s name and phone number online, and SHAZAM! 24 hours later my uber rad new prescription eyeglasses were on their way to my front door. THEY TOOK CARE OF THE CALL TO THE DOCTOR + THAT CONVERSATION FOR ME…FOR NO EXTRA COST!! I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!

Jeff Bogle in his Lookmatic glasses

Clark Kent was a dad blogger.

Look at me, I’m like a hipster Clark Kent in this grainy selfie I took in 1968, apparently. And I didn’t have to speak with a single soul! I love you, Lookmatic, even if my oldest daughter keeps calling me Waldo…while pretending to look for me. 😉

Look! Here’s Waldo in his music room (note all that sweet vinyl in the background!)

Lookmatic Jeff Bogle in his Music Room

My happy place looks even better with my Lookmatic glasses.

Jeff Bogle OWTK and Chris Bernholdt DadNCharge

And here’s Waldo again with Chris Bernholdt of the fine dad blog DadNCharge.com enjoying a Sunday lunch in the Philly ‘burbs.

Now for the amazing giveaway!!

**$750 of Lookmatic Glasses + an iPad Mini Giveaway!!!**


This is just crazy. C-R-A-Z-Y!

One very, very lucky winner will receive $750 worth of customized glasses from (one pair for every day of the week!) + an iPad Mini! Enter right now using the Rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Get 20% off your new look at Lookmatic.com by entering 20/20 at checkout!

For more information, visit . 

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Lookmatic.

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