This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of My Dolphin Show.
There are half a zillion apps available for immediate download in the digital marketplace of your (phone’s) choice. But not many offer a price tag of free with the promise of no in-app advertising. No kidding. The My Dolphin Show app, however, does combine these two glorious things PLUS ingenious Sea World-esque gameplay.
Like any smartly conceived app, there is a lot more to My Dolphin Show than what you see on the surface of the pool. I mean, simply having a dolphin jump through a few hoops, even as fun as that is, will eventually grow tiresome. In the My Dolphin Show app (which is free by the way, did I mention that?) there’s the opportunity to dress up the dolphin and earn upgrades to select other creatures like mermaids, sea turtles, and polar bears! How awesome is that? And the regiment of training/show/training progressively gets more complex with combination jumps and intricate movements needed by your child, the newly-minted, wet-suited Dolphin Show star.
- My Dolphin Show allows for multi-touch so sisters can play together
- The girls’ sea turtle in mid-jump!
My oldest gets hyper-focused on nailing the back-to-back high jumps through the hoops. I may have even seen some beads of sweat dripping off of her forehead while she was playing My Dolphin Show intently on a plane recently, as she was aiming to fill up the stadium seating with more and more cheering audience members!
Would ya just look at how adorable this app is!?! And it is 100% free (surely you’ve heard that before?) meaning there is exactly zero reasons a parent or loving adult with an app-friendly device (ANY DEVICE!) should not download My Dolphin Show right now! Do it. Don’t think about it. Do it. Now. Take your pick of the App Store, Google Play or Amazon, and download My Dolphin Show right this minute. I’m not going anywhere until you do.
Over two million folks have already downloaded the My Dolphin Show app (for free, of course), meaning you are THAT much behind where the technological curve meets Funville. I don’t want you to fall even further back so here’s what I’m going to do for you: I will *buy* you your download of My Dolphin Show. Just click any of the app store links below and it’s on me. Seriously, that’s how *generous* I am, and how much I love this app and want you to have it for your kids. Enjoy! 🙂
My Dolphin Show is free to download from the Apple App Store, Google Play and Amazon using the following links:
My Dolphin Show is a fun, FREE app in which you get to swim, play and perform tricks like a real dolphin! Over time, your dolphin will complete different tricks that increase in difficulty, allowing you to gain more points as the game continues. As a kid-friendly app, you can play along with your children and share quality bonding time in an entertaining and safe way.
Download the app now from the Apple App Store, Google Play and Amazon using the following links:
App Store
Google Play
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of My Dolphin Show.