OWTK Toy News & Reviews

Watch Your Back, LEGO…KRE-O CityVille Zombies Are On The Move

KRE-O CityVille Invasion Haunted Hideaway Image

by Cooper McHatton

Ever since I could remember, I’ve been obsessed with LEGO. My obsession has taken over every shelf, every wall, every available open space. My room is a testament of my fierce loyalty.

Many brands have attempted to emulate LEGO’s famous brick style, and I’ve been very apprehensive of supporting them. While some are solid, none have truly captured the magic of LEGO for me. Many just appear to replicate in order to make sets based off of a popular property license they’ve purchased. Sure, they fill one’s desire for playing with Spock, Doctor Who, or Mario in a plastic building brick world, but the quality has always seemed lacking in some way — whether it’s the instructions, the bricks themselves, or the design of the sets, I had yet to think a LEGO competitor has succeeded in making something truly unique and original… until now!

The KRE-O CityVille Invasion line of toys blend LEGO’s perfected old ideas together with fresh, new twists that make playing with them immensely fun. Last week, I sat down with three kids ages 6 to 9 and busted open our first CityVille Invasion set. We were having a blast building the Haunted Hideaway and playing with the characters, but, somehow despite the ‘motion’ text on the box, none of us had any idea what was in store. We couldn’t quite figure out what the fuzzy surfboard-like motion bricks were supposed to do. Then we attached the Sonic Motion Brick to the raised (with tiny felt stubby pieces) KRE-O building plate, and it all suddenly made perfect sense.

In a flurry of manic excitement, the Kreon figures started moving around on their own! We all began yelling and pointing and calling our families in from the other room to come and see what was happening in front of us on the kitchen table. The figures glided, vibrated, danced, and slid about the set! It was mayhem in my house.

The best part is that it’s not the least bit gimmicky, this motion brick thing. It adds so much play value to the set. The Kreon figures in our KRE-O CityVille Invasion Haunted Hideaway Set ran across bridges and whipped around corners and even battled each other as they ran into the castle.

It’s incredibly refreshing to see something so wonderfully original. My sister and I already want to buy more (the Marina Madness and Skyscraper Mayhem sets look particularly excellent).

Oh and as a final closing note, whoever came up with the idea of the Sonic Motion brick shouting “KRE-O!” on power down deserves a whopper of a raise.

Check out the free KRE-O CityVille Invasion App too!

*Hasbro provided OWTK will a KRE-O set for review consideration. The opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased. Everyone really was freaking out when building this amazing set.

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