OWTK Summer Movie Monday

OWTK Summer Movie Mondays — Jarrett J. Krosoczka & Justin Roberts


Jarrett J. Krosoczka, Author & Illustrator

If you’ve got a kid, you probably know Jarrett J. Krosoczka from his hilarious Lunch Lady graphic novel comic series, but millions recently discovered the Massachusetts-based author and illustrator thanks to his gut-wrenchingly inspiring TED talk that went viral. The first volume in Krosoczka’s new chapter book series, Platypus Police Squad, was released in May. We here at OWTK also adore his picture book, Ollie the Purple Elephant!

What is your all-time favorite film?

Stand By Me. I love coming-of-age movies, and this is the quintessential specimen film in that category. As a kid I related to Gordy, and now I relate to the older, Richard Dreyfus version of the character.

What food do you like best when watching a movie?

Ridiculously buttered popcorn. I’m a traditionalist. But it’s a conundrum. That will make me thirsty, and if I drink a lot I’ll need to use the bathroom, and if I run to the bathroom I may miss something. But my secret skill is to find just the right time to dash to the restroom, returning before my friends even realizing I was gone.

What all-ages/family movie coming out this summer are you most excited to see?

Man of Steel, but I rarely get to hit the theaters for movies these days. But I’m determined to find a theater that is still showing that movie before summer’s end!

Justin Roberts Trio

Roberts, center, with bandmates (from L-R) Gerald Dowd and Liam Davis.

Justin Roberts, Kindie Rock Star

Roberts, who has been called the Paul McCartney of kid’s music and is the genre’s most profound songwriter, is set to release Recess, his newest and most perfect album to date, next week. Listen to a track from the CD that will win the 2014 Grammy for Best Children’s Album (you heard it here first) on the July episode of the OWTK podcast. The Chicagoan will see his first picture books released in 2014 by Putnam.

Justin Roberts Recess

What is your all-time favorite film?

Being There. Strangely, I saw in the theater when it came out. I was way too young to see it but it starred Peter Sellers who I  loved from the pink panther movies. Somehow I talked my parents into taking me. I remember enjoying it at the time. I found the miscommunication to be hilarious. Thinking back, I’m sure I didn’t understand a lot of it. But, I’ve seen it many times sense and find the dry humor to be right up my alley.

What food do you like best when watching a movie?

Plain popcorn. Bottle of water.

What all-ages/family movie coming out this summer are you most excited to see?

I have no idea what movies are coming out this summer. But in terms of all ages films I find the Pixar movies to be very entertaining and moving for all ages.

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