Oh to live in New York City…and to have on hand an adult-sized Boy Wonder costume. I’d sure love some of those sweet Batman and Robin Mez-Its figures and to see a replica Batmobile!
The first 200 to show up on Tuesday June 25th in Time Square dressed as a classic Batman TV series character will get these action figures for free. Just please don’t try to flip them on eBay immediately after. C’mon.
*Note: Paid admission to Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Times Square is not required to receive the free toy. The first 200 people to arrive in the lobby dressed up will also receive $10 off admission should they choose to go in then or at a later date.
Press Release stuff from here on:
Mezco Toys is proud to partner with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, on behalf of DC Entertainment, to produce toys and vehicles based on the beloved DC Comics 1960’s Batman Classic TV Series.
The Mez-Itz line will feature the likeness of the actors from the series such as Adam West and Burt Ward, famed for their iconic portrayals as the dynamic duo, Batman and Robin. Mezco’s Mez-Itz line will also debut the Batman Classic TV Series toys, including the Batmobile.
Mezco will be revealing these new products to the general public for the first time on Tuesday June 25, from 11am-1pm at the famous Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Odditorium on 42nd Street in New York City.
The first 200 people to come view the display dressed as their favorite Batman Classic TV Series character will each receive a free Mezco DC Universe Mez-Itz, as well as a discount for entry into the Odditorium.
The Mez-Itz will be delivered to Ripley’s Odditorium in a life size Classic TV style Batmobile, similar to the one seen in the Batman Classic TV Series, which will remain parked outside from 11am-1pm. Photos and video are welcome!
Mezco will be producing Mez-Itz not only of Batman and Robin, but also of their famous Rogues Gallery as well: The Penguin, The Joker, Catwoman and The Riddler. Every Super-Villain needs a henchman, so naturally Mezco will also produce The Riddler’s Thug, inspired by the original show.
Mezco’s first wave of Batman Classic TV Series products will hit stores in July 2013, a sneak preview will be available at San Diego Comic Con at Mezco’s booth 3445 as well as online.