As a freelance writer, I take work where I can get it, and recently I’ve been getting the chance to dish on some of the finest modern kid’s music for Red Tricycle. This has tended to manifest itself as Top Concert Picks stories in the NYC and LA markets, but this month I had the privilege of writing their first ever Best Kid’s Albums list, for the national site.
We in the kindie community get excited whenever a new media outlet decides to start covering our world, and rightfully so, this is a very steep hill we climb together. I am, of course, over the moon to be the one to bring the names Justin Roberts, Todd McHatton, The Okee Dokee Brothers, Lunch Money, and more to a new audience of families looking for something fresh, fun, and fabulous for their tots.
So click away to Red Tricycle and discover my Top 10 Kid’s / Family / All-Ages / Children’s Albums of 2012! Feel free to pass the link around to, to other moms and dads in the playgroup circle, to friends and family still looking for stocking stuffer ideas for your kids, to anyone who loves music and might want to frolic in the Golden Age of Family Music.
Hugs & Kisses!