OWTK Games + Apps

App For Kids Review: Dr. Panda’s Daycare

Between cats playing piano and photos of Taylor Swift cavorting with Harry from One Direction, the internet is loaded with adorableness. Okay, I will concede that the latter of those may be revolting depending on your point of view, but still, young love is, generally speaking, a sweet thing to behold. Right?

Anyway, what is for sure sweet is the new Dr. Panda app, which takes you inside a baby animals’ daycare center. Parents drop off the tots, which in and of itself is charming, leaving them in your care and you’ll spend the next 10 20 60 minutes feeding them, taking the chubby animal babes out back for a swim or a bounce on the trampoline, and of course drawing the curtains and tucking them in for naptime. There is so much to love about this 110% adorable app that your kids will completely forget about who Taylor Swift is dating now.

Really, in all seriousness, there may not be a cuter app in the iTunes store than Dr. Panda’s Daycare. Just one time pulling up the blanket on the sleeping monkey with his tiny diaper and precious night cap on, and you’ll be hooked.  I mean, your kid will be hooked. Yes, this is for them. Yep.

Worth every penny of the $1.99 pricetag! Go get Dr. Panda’s Daycare right now and make your toddler’s day better instantly.

Got an Android device? Here’s the link for that:

*OWTK was provided a download code to facilitate a review of Dr. Panda’s Daycare. The opinions express above are honest and unbiased, as always.

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