OWTK TV News / Parenting Blog

The Best Dad & Daughter Commercial Ever

Dad bloggers like to lambast brands for half-ass, stereotypical portraits of papas in TV commercials. I guess we’re finally get a steady taste of what it’s like to be a parent on television.  It kinda tastes nasty.  Women have been dealing with shitty on-screen mock-ups of themselves for years, especially blonde women. It sucks all around. Usually, but not always.

It’d be super easy, although infrequently tried, for an ad to pull on ye olde heartstrings with a dad and daughter — picture a swaddled baby, lullaby music, reading a book, giving the tot a bath, blah blah blah. Harder?  An older father and a college-aged girl. Well, Google Chrome has freakin’ nailed that scenario in their new spot “Jess Time” / Jeff & Elliot. I tear up every time it is on, and my girls are just 8 and 5!

It is fiction, I know, but oh how I long to have something that resembles their relationship when my girls have flown the coop.  Hell, I’d even use Google Chrome, or the 2023 version of it, to facilitate said relationship!

Just watch and see for yourself, the best dad/daughter TV commercial of all time, to date, so far, as of right now, from Google Chrome:

The beautiful song in the Google Chrome Dad and Daughter “Jess Time” commercial is “Broken Chair” by Chris and Thomas from their album Land of Sea.

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