The Mouse deserves a new room. She’s been living in the ‘nursery’ since, well, since she belonged in a nursery. She is now approaching 5 1/2. She is in kindergarten. It is beyond time.
The Bear got new digs on her 3rd birthday, and the Paris-themed green & purple wallpaper she selected back then, after having just recently returned from the City of Light, still pops upon entering the room. And more importantly, she still loves it. We were going to go the wallpaper route for our little blonde monster but I put the brakes on that traditional approach. The paper we’d sorta picked out (but luckily didn’t yet purchase) was soooooo boring. I was already bored of looking at it on the computer screen for two hours. I couldn’t imagine seeing hundreds of square feet of it hanging for years to come.
The Mouse, she isn’t at all boring. She should have a room that reflects her style — crazy, bold, beautiful, girly, and a little bit goofy.
The other issue, and why even exciting wallpaper wasn’t going to work, is that we locked ourselves into a color palette and ladybug theme by getting a comforter/bedding, wall art, wall decal stickers, and a shaggy pink rug last year, back when we originally intended to re-do the room. This is okay, I think, because we’ve pivoted to paint — three different colors of paint. Yep. That’s gonna be bold, and a bit crazy. I can see a deep shade of snazzy pink, a playful lime green, and a soft yellow. Those are the primary colors in the ladybug-y patterned decor we got from Target. We’ll accent the space with RoomMates decals of a big tree with its branches offset to the left (running the length of her bed), wildflowers, fairies, and maybe a few more woodland creatures. The Mrs. is also trying to find cloud decals for the ceiling.
There is almost nothing the Mouse loves more than playing outside, so the room with its nature scenery and bold colors will represent her-at-5-years-old pretty darn perfectly.
The use of paint and removable decals will give us creative freedom now and as she grows up. We can work in a rotating assortment of art, photos, modern design elements and anything else she is feeling at any given time.
She is spontaneous and unencumbered by any limitations, her room should match. And, I think, it now will.
We are still ripping off the old baby-room wallpaper this week. Fun!
The makeover begins next week. Funner!