OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Papa Crow “Along In The Sun And The Rain” (Woody Guthrie Cover) Music Video

OWTK fawned over Papa Crow’s debut kindie disc last year and was recently very excited to learn that those gorgeous Sunday morning songs weren’t destined be a one-and-done project for the rural Michigan songwriter.

Not only does Papa Crow have a song on the still-fresh Keep Hoping Machine Running: Songs of Woody Guthrie album from Spare the Rock Records (video below), but he’s also prepping a silly 5-song EP (What Was That Sound? Five Fabulous Family Fart Favorites) and a much anticipated full length follow-up, Full Moon Full Moon (I’ve got a serious soft spot for that kind of stark repetition in song and album titles.  I think I love that disc already).

While we await new original songs, let’s enjoy the video for Papa Crow’s cover of Woody Guthrie’s somewhat obscure “Along in the Sun and the Rain”:

The song was recorded live with a single mic. The video is a compiled photo collection from Papa Crow’s nephew, featuring many sights from his hometown of Escanaba, MI. And it all feels so damn right.

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