Kindergarten / Parenting Blog

The Physical Education of The Mouse

I’m not the only Bogle going to the gym every day!  I’m just the only one who gets to shower off the stank afterwards.

The girls’ charter school has instituted a new scheduling policy for all kindergarten classes that will have the 5-year-olds partaking in physical education — phys ed, to all you hipsters — activities every single day of their ’12-’13 school lives.

I applaud the measure, if not sour a bit on the timing of the delivery of the information. This is because we, and likely every other family, have already hit up the uniform supply store and purchased a number of khaki shorts and collared shirts for the non-gym days (previously, as per the Bear’s old K thru 2 schedules, 4 out of every 6 days). Of course those duds are pricier then the tees and mesh shorts required for PE.  [sigh]

With the new kindergarteners schedule also comes daily music class, this instead of once in six. No special clothing needed there.

I stand and applaud this school day refresh, as a way to both ramp up the arts in, and the heart rate of, the young’ins in this here country.  Good things, both.

Ideally, this bonus active time would include some measure of free play — you may remember of what I speak: non-adult-lead, unstructured time for kids to be kids in an open outdoor space (it can be a fenced in one! I’m not asking for feral children here) — but that is highly doubtful. Some may wander off — my little blonde monster, most likely (seen in the photo above passionately chasing pigeons in Barcelona’s famed Parc Guell.  If not held back, she’d likely have gone off the edge to snatch one!).   Still, I can’t complain too much about a bit less time in a temperature controlled building and more under the blue skies and bright sunny sun.  And when inside, singing and strumming and banging on something for more minutes every day.

School is back, and it’s better than ever.

How is your school year going thus far?  Any major changes to report?

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