As an entertainer and one who allows himself to entertain; I am getting better.
It should be obvious, especially to anyone who has had the distinct displeasure of hearing me sing or watching me do something sorta resembles dancing, I am not an entertainer in the Gene Kelly sense of the word.
By keeping at bay the urgent twitching to feel my right palm pressed against our Oreck’s cold brown plastic handle while my fingers choke its neck, I am slowly allowing myself the freedom to, if not enjoy, at least not be suicidal about (or homicidal towards the perp of) the soft pretzel salt that lay nestled between threads of carpet fabric like tiny albinos napping on luxurious green hammocks. And I can now, for the duration of a social event, step right on over the plastic vegetables strewed across the playroom floor, just as the most apathetic discount grocery store employee would. So yeah, I’m getting better by loosening up on the expectations I have of myself, and maybe more importantly, of others.
We had a house concert with 30 human beings – 1/2 of those children under 9 – in here last weekend and now prepare to host my entire immediate family this Sunday for the Bogle Birthday Bash (myself, my two brothers, and our mother were all born within 1 week of each other. Different years, of course). That’ll be a mind-numbing total of 45 people trampling through my humble abode over the span of 8 days. But I can do this. I can.
Although I am displaying some form of relaxed grace under pressure during these soirees, that doesn’t mean the vacuum isn’t fired up and going full bore before the last car has backed out of the driveway and cleared the property line. Because some things I simply cannot change.
*The Eat My Dustbunnies image is available on magnets, mugs and gifts from my World’s Fair T-Shirt & Gift Shop (this is one of my very early designs).