Parenting Blog

Watch This: Miss Representation Movie Trailer

As a father of two girls I have pledged, and will continue to fight, to do my part to reverse the trend of the sexualization and objectification of women in this country.

I committed myself to raising strong, healthy, happy, confident and bold young women despite and because of the onslaught of images and commentary from mainstream media that would have my daughters be anything but these things.

Miss Representation looks to be an inspiring film that every family should see, whether you have girls or boys. Because all of us need to understand that women are not marketing tools or a sex objects, and that boys cannot pillage and plunder their opposite gender despite what Madison Avenue, music videos, and video game culture tells them.

Watch the trailer for the documentary film Miss Representation, which was picked up by OWN:

Miss Representation is set to air on the Oprah Winfrey Network on October 20th at 9:00 PM ET/8:00 PM CT. Plan to watch it – click here to find your local OWN channel.

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