Parenting Blog / Required Reading

Required Reading – September 2 2011

Here’s something new for ya.  A daily dose (maybe) of required reading.  Something quick, something necessary, something funny, something beautiful.  Something I’d like to share with you.

Not sure if I’ll find an article/post/video worthy of your time every single day, so don’t actual expect this daily. Kinda like a sports Hall of Fame won’t elect someone who’s not 100% up to snuff just to have a ceremony every year. Or at least they shouldn’t do that.

Today’s required reading and watching comes from Jennifer Cooper’s Classic Play and from The Girl Effect. Read, watch, & get inspired to, well, help change the world.  It starts with you and your daughter.

And I swear I won’t link to product – my own or anyone else’s – with these kinds of posts all the time but this design of mine, one that I’m very proud of, does feel 100% appropriate today.  Check out my “Girls Can Do Anything” line of clothes & gifts, perfect for girls of all ages and the boys who love and support ’em.

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