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One year later, I’ve yet to pull off anything spectacular. I guess I was kinda close to making a Brewers v. Phillies / Packers opening kickoff getaway happen for next week but really I could make the money or the times work. Not even close. Then, a couple of nights ago I tried to figure out a way for my father and I to be inside Notre Dame stadium on September 17th for the annual Irish v. Spartans gridiron clash. He a fan of the Golden Dome, me of the green and white from East Lansing, MI. Once again, I couldn’t get the numbers to where I needed them.
3 years ago I was as flush with cash as I ever was or probably ever will be. I mean, this is relative to those actually swimming in Benjamins and Grants. Still, I has excessive disposable income for a short time and took advantage of that to make a memory my dad and I will never forget. The desire to duplicate the events of August ’08 continues to be strong, made more so by the recent revelation that my father had some cancerous growth(s) removed earlier this month. All appears well, but still. Thoughts of mortality, his and even my own, are weighing heavy this summer.
The thing about regret is that sometimes you get another shot to make it right. To do that thing you passed up for reasons that seemed legitimate and sensible at the time. More often than not though, the chance to reverse course or make something special happen for someone special is like the blown wisps of a dandelion wish; carried off into the ether.