I’ve had a busy summer. I ain’t complaining, just sayin’. This is why OWTK has been trending closer to dormant than active over the past month.
Maybe you’re juggling many things right now as well. So here it is real quick, in case you’ve got someplace to be (look, I’m even making the font bigger to make it faster and easier to read):
If you’re only going to spend one stinkin’ dollar on kid’s music this year, “Mathematics” by The Not-Its! is the only song you should consider.
Got a few more minutes? Read on.
By now you’ve likely already sent your kiddo off to school or at the very least you’re just about to see ’em off at the bus stop for the first time this school year. Either way, this is thee song for thee. See what I did there?
Sprinkling in mathy lingo (infinity, calculate, quadruple), familiar grade school terms, plus some clever scholastic equations, The Not-Its! have, in “Mathematics” (from their latest album “Tag, You’re It!”), written the catchiest and greatest kindie song of 2011.
Nori Hoeft’s opening bass line sends shivers up my spine, Mike Bayer’s percussion is as good as any heard on a Merge Records release over the past two decades (Superchunk, I’m looking at you), and singer Danny Adamson reaches straight through your speakers all the way from Seattle to hand off the mic to your child for an inspired punk rock sing-along (full disclosure: this doesn’t actually occur for, you know, reals).
This song is freakin’ perfect! So perfect in fact that I’ll give you a dollar** if after you download it and listen to it with your kids 4-5 times or so, you can honestly tell me that it’s not awesome.
The Not-Its! “Mathematics” is an anthem that should be played before every single math class in every single elementary school in this country.
*OWTK received a copy of “Tag, You’re It!” for review considerations. The opinions expressed above are unbiased and honest.
**This insane and ill-conceived refund is valid for the 1st five people who take me up on it by using the Amazon link above then express their displeasure in the comments below. Be warned: by taking this offer you hereby admit to the world that you have terrible taste in music. Your choice, peeps.