Parenting Blog

Gone Fishin’

I can’t bare the idea of baiting a hook or the thought of taking a fish off the hook once caught.  Clearly, I’m no fisherman.  Yet this afternoon I board a plane for Florida with the specific idea of catching a tarpon.  From what I’m told those suckers are pretty large.  Hopefully one doesn’t pull me overboard.

This summer weekend getaway was hatched in March, during the Bogle family Phillies Spring Training trip that also doubled as my introduction to fishing in the Gulf of Mexico.  My oldest brother fancies himself a fish man, I went along to humor and to spend some time with him.  Those wound up being 8 fantastic hours, and with a professional captain handling the bait and the fish, I’ll I needed to do was hold the rod and reel in my catch.  First class fishing!  Ideal for a debonair gentleman such as myself.

Off for 48 hours of fishin’ and preseason football with just my big bro.  See ya next week!

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