Parenting Blog

Tiny Hangers, Tons of Happiness * Edited to add the after photo *

My girls have been standing watch, off and on, for the entire day. They’re waiting for the big brown truck to arrive.

Once I told them their baby doll hangers had been shipped and were on the road for delivery today – one day earlier than expected – they couldn’t contain their glee or their desire to bear witness to the exact moment the man in brown places down a box beside our front door.

The Tiny Tension Rod Awaits Its Hangers

20 miniature white plastic hangers that’ll hang from a tiny tension rod I installed in the Bear’s closet yesterday afternoon will sometime later today begin its job of holding the clothes of Elisa, Baby Nora, Caelan and Hugden – the quartet of American Girl girl & boy dolls currently under the care of one Bear and one Mouse.  That’s what I’m talking about here.  A total of $17 + change for 1 rod and 2 packs of hangers will redesign the Bear’s closet, make more real her and her sister’s doll collection, and provide a little slice of adulthood into their pretend play.  Elisa, the classic 18″ American Girl, has been practicing reaching up to where the hangers will be, her too eagerly awaiting the time when her tiny ensembles are freed from the cluttered drawers and boxes to hang for all to see.

…and we wait.

EDIT 5:25PM ET – The wait ended a few hours ago! Here’s Elisa and Baby Nora in front of the finished product.

Elisa and Baby Nora showing off their new closet

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