OWTK Games + Apps

iPad App for Kids Review: My PlayHome **Updated Again 7/13/12**

My PlayHome is the clever, uniquely 21st century digital take on those Melissa & Doug magnet figure sets, the classic but flimsy paper dolls, and even your grandmother’s stately dollhouse, with flawlessly executed gameplay including multi-touch capacity for eager siblings and their dueling fingers.  This is as close to perfect as an iPad app gets.

Pour a bowl of cereal for Mom to eat before she’s off to work.  Run the dishwasher.  Put the kettle on for tea.  Reheat a slice of pizza from the fridge in the oven.  Give sister a shower.  Make big brother brush his teeth.  Change CDs in the entertainment center to hear a different style of instrumental music.  Help baby brother build with blocks in his crib.  And that’s just the beginning of the fun your kids will have with My PlayHome for the iPad!

Will My PlayHome eventually need more rooms? Yes, and I trust that they will come. But even with just four – kitchen, bathoom, family room, bedroom – there is enough to occupy and entertain my two kiddos for hours! Hours I’m telling you!

You will not spend a better $2.99 in the iTune App Store this summer.  Do it.

**1/17/2012 Update** Yesterday’s update now gives My Playhome a backyard! Bounce baby (or Mom!) on the trampoline, swing brother around on the tire swing, turn on the porch light, water the veggie garden and watch the carrots slowly grow.  Then have sister man the pirate ship tree house!  An awesome, and much needed update, for one of our favorite iPad apps of 2011.  Download it today!

**7/12/2012 Update** There’s been a pair of updates since the beginning of the year, and both make My Playhome even better! First, there are additional families to play with, of different ethnicity, and wearing different clothes (hello pink tutu!).  So you can have an Asian girl hanging out with a black boy and a white mom and dad.  Now, just as of this morning, the parent’s room was added with hats and jewelry in the closet that can be added to anyone in the house. This element of dress-up fun puts My Playhome over the top!  Also, there are now bed sheets that can be pulled up and back while dad naps and an electric razor in the bathroom. Love love love it! If you haven’t yet, you’ve gotta download this great app for kids even at the increased $3.99 price.  If you already have it – make sure you grab the update(s)!

*OWTK received a free download of My PlayHome for review considerations.  The opinions expressed above are unbiased and honest.

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