OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Lloyd Miller (of The Deedle Deedle Dees) Sings Happy Birthday To My Kids (and Yours)

Ya gotta love the way Lloyd Miller of the Brooklyn-based social studies rock band The Deedle Deedle Dees uses You Tube.  There’s a casual air to most of the videos on his Sing Along With Lloyd channel and his latest videological endeavor is no different in tone.

Miller’s “Happy Birthday” project started because a kid he was supposed to sing for got sick, and had her party canceled.  Since he couldn’t be there in person, he made a video for the under-the-weather young lady.  Now, if your kid is named Ethan, Nicholas, Annabelle, Paula or Julie you too have a custom Happy Birthday song waiting for you on ye olde internet.  So does your Grandma!

Got a kid with a different name?  No worries, Lloyd is taking requests.

Here’s one he made for me today, “Julie, It’s Your Birthday”:

…and then another – a hilarious, over-the-top, sad sack, Keith Urban-inspired bad country remix version of “Julie, It’s Your Birthday”:

…and yet another as a puffy-shirted Van Morrison. “You were born, you were born, you were born on your birthday”:

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