The 1st in a series of tips, tricks, money-saving ideas and ways you (yes, you!) and your family can make the world a little bit better a place via easy, tiny actions.
Ladies and Gents…OWTK’s Helpful Idea #1:
My 35th birthday came and went last week. You’re dying to know what I got, aren’t you? How’s about a set of bath towels. And I was excited about it! Yeah, that’s my life as a mid-30’s dad. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Funny fact: I probably would have enjoyed a set of bath towels as a 22-year old as well. I’m odd like that.
Anyhow, the towels; plush, fluffy and very comfortable post-shower. But now I’ve got 4 sets in all, 2 of which are tattered and torn (hence the gift).
That’s the backstory…this is the Helpful Idea:
Do you too have old towels, beach blankets, afghans, bed sheets, or anything similar taking up space in your linen closet and cedar chest?
DON’T THROW THEM AWAY (yeah, I went all caps-lock on you + bold…sorry)
Your local SPCA, animal shelter, maybe even one of those big pet stores that house animal adoption centers are always, always, always in need of extra blankets and towels – even tattered ones – for the animals. So when you get a fresh set of Jaclyn Smith’s, use the special occasion to round up all the unneeded and unwanted linens from your home. Then call up a shelter (for people or pets), dog rescue, SPCA or animal adoption center in your area. Let ’em know you want to drop off a collection of towels/blankets.
The animals will be a tiny bit more comfy while they wait for a loving family to take ’em home, and the world at large will be a tiny bit better for it.