2 quick bits for you today, both concerning Nashville, TN jazz-for-kids outfit Coal Train Railroad.
1st, the band’s Kickstarter campaign is down to it’s final 4 days and there’s only $620 left to raise for the band’s trip and performance at Lincoln Center in NYC next February. If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter crowd-sourcing efforts, you should know that no money is awarded unless the campaign goal amount is reached (and/or exceeded). So, if you’ve got a few bucks burning a hole in your digital wallet, send it Coal Train Railroad’s way this holiday season, and score some sweet thank you gifts in the process.
2nd, you’ve got only 2 days left to save 20% on their stellar new digital EP “Live in Monophonorama”. Use code OWTK and pay a mere $4 for this 6-song album.
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