OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Suzi Shelton Fall Tour Announcement Video

If you’ve ever met Suzi Shelton you already know she’s one of the sweetest gals in kindie rock.  Turns out she’s also one of the more clever.  The Suzi Shelton Band has announced it’s Fall tour schedule via video, complete with cute shots of the handsome band, city-specific background images, and audio of “No Ordinary Day” (the title track of Suzi’s most recent album).

A fun & nifty use of You Tube, me thinks. Certainly better than yet another 12 year old dramatically singing along to a Taylor Swift song, that’s for damn sure.

Check out the Fall tour announcement video and be sure to pencil in some dates if your family is in Boston, St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, and of course, Brooklyn & the NYC-metro area.  For the ‘old-fashion’ list of dates, head here.

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