So Much Time So Little To Do / Travel

The Wizarding World of OWTK

OWTK is heading to Orlando!

I couldn’t pen a headline more bizarre or unlikely.  But Harry, Ron and Hermione are beckoning.

We are spending 2 nights in hell Orlando, in order to spend 1 whole day in the Universal Studios Islands of Adventure theme park, home of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter…and Seuss Landing.

I swear I’m going to do everything in my power to prevent the Mrs. from buying this:

Wanna come with us?  Simply ‘LIKE’ OWTK on Facebook and follow along as we try to stay sane amidst the Potter madness in the Florida heat.

Assuming we make it out of central Florida alive, we’re then spending a relaxing week on Anna Maria Island (near Bradenton & Sarasota), in the not-at-all-oily gulf water.  Hurricane season be damned.

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