Parenting Blog

On Becoming a ZooParent

I’m heading to the Elmwood Park Zoo today with the Bear, where she’ll become a ZooParent.  She received enough $ for her birthday to adopt a pair of animals at the enrichment level, meaning they’ll receive a special toy/treat.  She’s positively giddy.

You may remember that this is all she wanted for her 6th birthday and we politely asked guests in the email invitation to bring a check payable to the zoo if they were planning on giving a gift.  Most did, allowing the Bear to collect $235, $15 short of the figure needed for 2 animals.  We are forking over the extra money.  The whole idea worked perfectly, because several of her family and friends gave a check in addition to a small gift, meaning she still had some actual boxes to unwrap and bags to unfurl, which was rather nice.

Photos of the lucky creatures to follow.


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