OWTK Kindie Music News

Meltdown 2010: Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem

Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem had the strongest, most engaged crowd at Meltdown ’10. This wasn’t much of a surprise, as the New England-based rootsy quartet has a strong local following. Many of the adults and a lot of the kids danced and sang along to the songs from the band’s debut all-ages effort “Ranky Tanky”.  The hefty audience meant that for the 1st time during the festival, I was nowhere near the stage.  As such, my photos and videos of Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem are a little dicier than the rest of the lot.

I recorded our favorite pair of tunes from their outstanding family disc, Enjoy…

“Purple People Eater”:

and “Tennessee Wig Walk”:

Buy Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem’s “Ranky Tanky”.

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