OWTK Kindie Music News

The Harmonica Pocket Throw Dr. Seuss a Party

Photo © 2008 tim rounds

well, several parties actually.

To celebrate the 106th birthday of one Theodor Seuss Geisel, The Harmonica Pocket will be playing numerous “Get Loose with Seuss” free kid’s concerts in libraries through the great state of Washington.  The 1st Seuss-themed gig is 2/26, a week before his March 2nd birthday.  The series concludes in mid-April.

The “Get Loose with Seuss” performances promise original music set to Dr. Seuss’ books. Audience members will be invited to sing the words to ABCs, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, and some of his other classics. They band will also present  a theatrical history behind the creation of some of Seuss’ best-loved stories.

I never do this, but I’m going to pull the full description of the shows right from the press release – ’cause a rewrite won’t do it justice:

Keeth Monta Apgar and Nala Walla, are the core duo of The Harmonica Pocket, and will perform at all of these shows. Equipped with a hula hoop, a ukulele, face paint and a suitcase full of simple props and instruments, The Harmonica Pocket family show gently expands the boundaries of family entertainment with swinging, acoustic story-songs, wordplay and acrobatic antics, complete with Nala’s amazing hula hoop artistry.”

Sounds pretty alright to me.  These shows are bound to be fascinating and fun for your little one(s)…and they’re free!

Check the full schedule of The Harmonica Pocket’s “Get Loose with Seuss” shows here.

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