OWTK has finally received it’s extreme web makeover! After 3 1/2-years of blogging, OWTK is now more of a magazine style site with featured articles in multiple categories, a pegged “Best New Kid’s Music” section, and such.
I’m very excited about this new look and for the other things planned this year (so top secret, I’m not even telling myself everything that’s in store for 2010).
Keep a few things in minds – some videos that once worked on the old site may be disabled now and many, many links will still redirect back to the old site. All that (and more) will be corrected over time.
So, troll around a bit, kick the tires, then use the handy dandy “Contact OWTK” form at the top of the page to let me know what do you think of the new digs?
Oh, one more thing – if you link back to OWTK or have it bookmarked/subscribe in a Reader/email/etc. Please update all of that. Thanks.
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