OWTK Kindie Music News

From The OWTK Vault: Brian Vogan’s Little Songs

Every year ’round this time, I recall Brian Vogan and his 2008 debut family album “Little Songs”.  This is because Vogan’s most triumphant tune (the title of which is devoid of all mystery) is so very appropriate during the cold months of a new year. “Happy Valentine’s Day” is 200-seconds of pop bliss with a certain fictional holiday at it’s core.

Listen up: I generally disdain V-Day, with it’s faux-sincerity and empty displays of forced affection for loved ones. The heart shaped boxes of crappy chocolates, the dime-store flowers you’ll see dudes picking up on their way home from work on 2/14, a purchase that isn’t complete without a sourpuss look on their faces at checkout. Makes me kinda nautious.  Our modern Valentine’s day is a manufactured holiday to get us to buy more junk for people who deserve so much more from us every other day of the year, but end up only getting a $6 bouquet and barely-edible candy in mid-February when guys are told what to do and what to buy to keep their women happy.  Ugh.

But damnit if Brian Vogan’s ode to this day doesn’t put a hop in my step and a smile on my otherwise grumpy face.

So, let’s go back in time, deep into the OWTK Vault, for Brian Vogan’s “Little Songs” CD review.

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